• Open 7 Days 9.00AM - 6.00PM
  • 5500 Sunrise Highway, Sayville, NY 11782
  • 1(800)894-9383



Click Here to view our full inventory of Sportsman’s.

Never about imitating or replicating, Sportsman Boats was forged to be an innovative, forward-thinking and technologically advanced boat builder. The need for a true family-friendly center console boat was very apparent. A boat that was geared for those that love to fish, love a great-ride, crave sleek lines and most importantly, needed to have the comfort and safety for the family. Sportsman Boats’ goal is to build high quality boats that offer amenities the whole family can enjoy. Comfortable yet versatile layouts that provided the ability to participate in many different activities.

Click Here to view our full inventory of Sportsman’s.